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blog image 7.07.2019 00:39:56

Microsoft Visual Studio 15.9

Microsoft Releases Visual Studio 15.9 for Application Developers

ARM-based Windows 10 devices have improved performance, but there is another story about the software.

Microsoft did not provide enough software support for ARM-based Windows 10 devices. The company, which does not offer official tools for application developers to write 64-bit ARM applications, is now eliminating this problem. Microsoft has released Visual Studio 15.9, which provides developers with the tools they need to build native ARM64 applications.

Using these tools, developers will be able to create their own ARM-based applications and publish them in the Windows 10 store. They will also be able to launch applications developed in a different location outside the Windows store. It may take some time for you to see applications published by developers, but this innovation of Windows can make computers more attractive to ARM-based Windows.

A great advantage for application developers, the new program tools have attracted the attention of many developers. Let's see if we can see new programs and applications in the Windows store in the coming days.